Cryptocurrency Markets




Solana is currently traded at 172,01 USDT. Its price has changed by 1,57% in the last 24 hours.

172,01 USDT
  • Popularity
  • Market value
    84.1B USDT
  • Volume (24 Hours)
    3.9B USDT
  • Quantity in circulation
    488.6M SOL
  • Highest Value
    Distance %-41.4
  • Today's High
    174.06 USDT
  • Low of the Day
    166.89 USDT
  • Last update
    20.02.2025 12:40:03

Solana (SOL) price has decreased today.

Solana is currently trading at 172,01USDT, with an approximate 24-hour trading volume of 3.9B. Over the last 24 hours, the price has fluctuated by 1,57, indicating significant market movement. This change reflects the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market and the ongoing investor activity around Solana.

Solana 24-Hour Trading Volume: What is it?

The 24-hour trading volume for Solana stands at approximately 3.9BUSDT. This metric shows the total amount of Solana traded within the last 24 hours across various exchanges, offering a snapshot of the asset’s liquidity and overall market activity. A higher volume generally suggests stronger market participation and more stable trading conditions.

Solana: What is the Highest Price Ever Recorded?

The highest price ever recorded for Solana occurred on January 19, 2025, when the value peaked at 293.31USDT. This price represents the all-time highest value Solana has ever reached, demonstrating the strong demand and market interest at that particular time. It serves as a benchmark for the coin’s potential growth and future performance.

Solana: What is the Lowest Price Ever Recorded?

The lowest price for Solana occurred on May 11, 2020, when it dropped to 0.500801USDT. This price represents the all-time lowest value Solana has seen in the market, reflecting a period of low demand or potential market downturn. However, such low points often offer opportunities for investors to enter the market at a more favorable price, anticipating future increases in value.

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